Collection: Mara Jambor

“I spent most of my adult career in education, earning a Doctorate in Educational Administration and ending my career as an elementary supervisor for the Jefferson County Board of Education. I retired in 2007 and began to paint in 2014. I don’t have a gift with words, so I as Edward Hopper says, “If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.” I use palette knives or brushes to paint in oils and acrylics, at times using mixed media. I will say simply that I love color, light, and shadow. In my paintings I strive to use free brush strokes or wield a palette knife to create an impression of something that moves me. I want my paintings to appeal not only to one’s eye, but also to one’s heart. I hope that what I have painted communicates to you - speaks to you and perhaps touches your soul.” – Mara Jambor

Mara Jambor - Four Seasons Gallery

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